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Company Registration

Company Registration Made Easy

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According to the Indian Partnership act,1932, Partnership Firm exists when people do a business together or any one person acts on the behalf of all and agrees to share the profits among themselves. Partners are the people who have entered into the business, collectively, they are called a Firm and the name under which the business is conducted is called the Firm name.

What Are The Features of Partnership Firms?

Number of Members

The minimum number of people who can form a partnership firm is two. However, the utmost number of individuals who can enter into this kind of firm is 20. According to the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a Partnership of 10 people in a banking business or a partnership of more than 20 people in other businesses is considered illegal if not registered as a joint-stock company.

An Agreement Based Business

Partnership firm is formed when the individuals enter into an agreement-based business and are ready to sign a partnership deed/agreement.

Registration isn’t mandatory

The partnership firms are not compliant to get themselves registered. However, if not registered, they may not get access to legal benefits in cases where legal actions are required.

Equal Sharing of Profits And Losses

In a partnership firm, the members agree to share the profits as well as the losses equally or in any agreed ratio.

Unlimited Liability

In partnership firms, the partners have unlimited liability and therefore in case of losses or debts, all the members are called for joint action. Also, the personal assets of the members can be attacked to repay the debts.

Not Recognized As Separate Entity

Partnership firms aren’t recognized as separate legal entities and can cease to exist in the event of death, bankruptcy, or any mishappenings.

No Transfer of Asset

Any partner can't transfer their share of assets until and unless all the partners agree to it unanimously.

Types of Partnerships

On the basis of the duration, Partnership firms are of two types:

Partnership at-will

Where there is no agreement made for the duration of the partnership firm, such a partnership is called Partnership at-will. There is no determination regarding the time period of the partnership and till when it’ll continue to operate.

Partnership for a fixed term

When the partnerships are made for a certain period of time and cease to exist beyond that duration, such partnerships are called fixed-term partnerships. In such cases, if the partners agree to continue the business beyond the time period, the role of the partnership changes, and it becomes a Partnership at will.

On the basis of the extent and the nature of the business activity, partnerships are of two types:

Particular Partnerships

To carry on an existing business or to create a new or a particular venture, sometimes, the partners enter into an agreement and such partnerships are called Particular Partnerships. Such Partnerships dissolve after the competition of the target and if the partners wish to continue the business, the Partnership continues to exist.

General partnerships

Unlike a particular partnership, General Partnerships arise where there’s no particular motive and scope of business, and to continue an existing business, the partnership is defined.

Advantages of Partnership Firms

Disadvantages of Partnership Firms

Is It Mandatory To Register A Partnership Firm?

The registration of partnership firms is not mandatory under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. However, businesses wishing to get their forms registered can do so at the time of formation or during the continuation of its existence.

There are certain benefits when it comes to the registration of a Partnership firm and should be taken into consideration to enjoy special privileges. Here are some of them:

Procedure To Register a Partnership Firm

There are two ways within which the registration of partnership firms can be carried out.

How To Register Yourself With The Registrar?

The first step involves selecting the correct name for the partnership firm. There are two conditions that require to be fulfilled while selecting the name of the firm:

The next step is drafting a Partnership Deed containing the basic details of the firm such as:

Apply for a PAN card in the name of the firm with the Income Tax Department.

Draft an application to the Registrar of Firms of the state where you wish to start your partnership firm, mentioning the following details:

Next, submit all the desired documents:

Next, submit all the desired documents:-

How To Register A Partnership Firm With Filing Lounge?

Are Partnership Firms Different From Limited Liability Partnerships?

Partnership firms are completely different from limited Liability firms in the sense that:-

Particulars Partnership Firms LLPs
Registration These are registered under section 58 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Registered under the Companies Act, 2008. The partners are free from any personal liabilities
Liability Unlimited liability. The partners need to bear the burden of any loss Limited liability. Partners’ personal assets are protected from business liabilities
Number of Partners Minimum 2 and maximum 20 partners are required. Minors can even be partners with the joint decision of the partners Minimum 2 partners are required, with no upper limit on the number of partners. Minors can’t be a part of LLPs.
Agreement Partnership deeds govern all the activities LLP agreement governs all the activities of the firm
Conversion A Partnership firm can be converted into an LLP registration or Private Limited Company. LLP cannot be converted back to a partnership firm but can be upgraded to Private Limited Company.
Annual Filing Not mandatory to file annual returns It is mandatory to file annual returns


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. In how many days does a Partnership firm get registered?

The registration of the partnership firm may take up to 4 to 10 days depending on the situation and the availability of the documents.

2. Are LLPs different from Partnership firms?

Yes, LLPs come with limited liability, and the liability of the partners is limited to their amount invested in the company. Partnership firms, on the other hand, bear unlimited liability on the partners, and any loss or debt has to be borne by the partners personally.

3. Is a partnership deed necessary for the reformation of a partnership firm?

No, it isn't necessary to make the partnership deed, but it is a sensible approach when it comes to money-handling matters.

4. Can a non-citizen be a partner in the Partnership firm?

Yes, a person of foreign origin can be a partner in the partnership firm if they fulfill all the necessary guidelines and permissions.

5. What is the minimum capital requirement for a Partnership firm?

A Partnership firm is constituted solely on an agreement between the partners, and hence, there is no requirement of any minimum paid-up capital.

6. Can a partner of one firm be a partner in another firm?

Yes, a partner can be another firm's partner too.

7. Do partners need to file income tax returns?

The income tax is applicable on the income of the firm and not on the partners’ individual income. So, they don't need to file for income tax returns.