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A Nidhi company is a Non-banking Financial Company or precisely, a fund that aims more at the mutual benefit towards its members. It is more of a member-oriented company that offers to lend and borrow from its members only. It can also be called a savings fund or as said by RBI- a “Mutual Benefit Company(MBC)”. Nidhi companies are not directly regulated by RBI but instead used by the bank for any deposit-taking activities or by DCA for the deployment of funds. Nidhi companies play a great role in meeting the financial needs of ordinary people in places where nationalized and scheduled banks are reluctant to offer loans to them. Nidhi companies are formed, governed, and regulated by section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Their main aim lies in incorporating the habit of savings among the members/shareholders and for this they make sure that the funds contributed are generated from the shareholders only and are even allotted to them only.
Before Registration
After Registration
Given below is the list of the various documents of the depositor that are required while registering a Nidhi Company:-
There are two ways of registering a Nidhi Company:-
By visiting the Government portal
The first step involves applying for Digital Identification Number and the Digital Signature Certificate. DIN is issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and DSC is a prerequisite for all business-related filings. However, if the depositor has these, then he must not apply for them.
The next step is getting approval for a proper and unique name for the company from the MCA. The proposed name must not be identical to any other company and must fulfill all other provisions.
The Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association must be submitted along with the relevant documents and INC 32 Form, clearly mentioning the objective of forming the company.
After fulfilling all the necessary obligations, the Registrar of Companies issues the Certificate of Incorporation within a period of 15-25 days.
The final stage is filing the application for the PAN and TAN numbers of the company. The PAN and TAN are received within a period of 7 working days.
By Visiting filing Lounge
Apply Here for Nidhi Company Registration.
Nidhi Companies require limited capital for formation. This ensures that the first step can be taken, and the following steps will be achieved.
As the Nidhi Companies can borrow money from its members, fundraising becomes quite easier.
Nidhi companies are also called Mutual Benefit Companies because they are readily available to lend money to members. This feature makes these companies more approachable.
Nidhi Companies are quite capable of managing themselves as they can select people to manage within their company. Hence, there is no need for outside management in such companies.
Nidhi corporations offer loans even to ordinary people whom other financial institutions do not cater to. These companies are accessible to lower and middle-income groups.
The Nidhi Companies perform as separate legal entities. Hence, the members aren’t at risk of paying off the companies’ debts and losses from their personal assets.
Under the Companies Act 2013, the Nidhi Companies are exempted from various provisions and compliances, making them quite profitable.
Credit cooperative societies come with many restrictions and compliances. As compared to them, Nidhi companies have to bear lesser compliances and are a better option.
We, Filinglounge have a network of over 100+ experienced professionals whose job is to put you at ease and ensure utmost customer satisfaction. Our charges are proportionate to the level of services we offer. Please visit our website, for registering your company, and for any further inquiry, please do write to us at . You can also fill out the inquiry form available on the Enquiry link. Also, please do visit our Facebook page for regular updates and upcoming events.