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Company Registration

Company Registration Made Easy

Start your business journey with our streamlined company registration process. We offer comprehensive packages to suit your needs and budget.

Our expert team ensures a smooth and hassle-free registration experience.


A Nidhi company is a Non-banking Financial Company or precisely, a fund that aims more at the mutual benefit towards its members. It is more of a member-oriented company that offers to lend and borrow from its members only. It can also be called a savings fund or as said by RBI- a “Mutual Benefit Company(MBC)”. Nidhi companies are not directly regulated by RBI but instead used by the bank for any deposit-taking activities or by DCA for the deployment of funds. Nidhi companies play a great role in meeting the financial needs of ordinary people in places where nationalized and scheduled banks are reluctant to offer loans to them. Nidhi companies are formed, governed, and regulated by section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Their main aim lies in incorporating the habit of savings among the members/shareholders and for this they make sure that the funds contributed are generated from the shareholders only and are even allotted to them only.

Requirements of Nidhi Company Registration

Before Registration

After Registration

Documents Required For The Registration Of Nidhi Company

Given below is the list of the various documents of the depositor that are required while registering a Nidhi Company:-

How To Register A Nidhi Company?

There are two ways of registering a Nidhi Company:-

By visiting the Government portal

By Visiting filing Lounge

Apply Here for Nidhi Company Registration.

Compliances Required After Forming Nidhi Company

Advantages of Incorporating A Nidhi Company

Low capital needed

Nidhi Companies require limited capital for formation. This ensures that the first step can be taken, and the following steps will be achieved.

Easy to raise funds

As the Nidhi Companies can borrow money from its members, fundraising becomes quite easier.

Easy to lend money

Nidhi companies are also called Mutual Benefit Companies because they are readily available to lend money to members. This feature makes these companies more approachable.

No Need Of Outside Management

Nidhi Companies are quite capable of managing themselves as they can select people to manage within their company. Hence, there is no need for outside management in such companies.

Great service suppliers to normal individuals

Nidhi corporations offer loans even to ordinary people whom other financial institutions do not cater to. These companies are accessible to lower and middle-income groups.

Limited liability

The Nidhi Companies perform as separate legal entities. Hence, the members aren’t at risk of paying off the companies’ debts and losses from their personal assets.

Enjoy many provisions and exemptions

Under the Companies Act 2013, the Nidhi Companies are exempted from various provisions and compliances, making them quite profitable.

Better than Credit Cooperative Societies

Credit cooperative societies come with many restrictions and compliances. As compared to them, Nidhi companies have to bear lesser compliances and are a better option.

Limitations of Nidhi Companies


We, Filinglounge have a network of over 100+ experienced professionals whose job is to put you at ease and ensure utmost customer satisfaction. Our charges are proportionate to the level of services we offer. Please visit our website, for registering your company, and for any further inquiry, please do write to us at care@filiglounge.com . You can also fill out the inquiry form available on the Enquiry link. Also, please do visit our Facebook page for regular updates and upcoming events.

Frequently Asked Queries

1. Is Nidhi company governed by the RBI?
No, Nidhi Companies come under the Non-banking financial institutions’ category and RBI does not have any hold over these.
2. What is the objective of Nidhi companies?
Nidhi Companies are created to inculcate the habit of saving among their members.
3. What is the maximum limit on a savings bank account?
Any member of a Nidhi company cannot own more than 1 lakh in their savings bank account.
4. What is the maximum rate of interest payable on any deposit?
The maximum interest payable on any deposit should not be more than 2% above the rate of interest payable by any nationalized bank.
5. What is the maximum number of Directors in a Nidhi Company?
A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 15 directors are required in a Nidhi company.
6. How to name my Nidhi Company?
The Nidhi company must not have an identical name to an existing company. The name can be selected by going to the MCA website and searching for name options. The Company name should end with “Nidhi Limited”.
7. How much time is required to register a Nidhi Company?
A Nidhi company needs to be registered as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act 2013. It takes 30-40 days to get a Nidhi Company registered.
8. How safe is it with Nidhi Companies?
Nidhi Companies have to abide by the laws made by the Central Government, and hence the money is safe with Nidhi Companies.
9. What are the documents required for Nidhi Company Registration?
Any Identity proof such as PAN card/Aadhar card/voter ID/Ration Card and Address Proof such as Aadhar card/utility bill/electricity bill/telephone bill and NOC from the renter if the office is rented or Rent agreement if the office is self-owned.
10. Can a salaried person be the director of a Nidhi Company?
Yes, any salaried individual can become a Director in a Nidhi Company.
11. How to file annual returns of Nidhi Company?
The annual returns must be filed with the MCA in Form MGT-7.
12. When is the Income Tax Return filed?
Income Tax returns of Nidhi Company must be filed by 30th September of the current financial year.
13. Is it mandatory to be present at the office of the Registrar?
No, Nidhi Company registration is completely online, and with Filing Lounge, no personal visit is required.